What is the Job Club?


The CAP (Christians Against Poverty) Job Club is a friendly place where you will get practical help as you seek employment. It’s a relaxed environment with the chance to meet other jobseekers, get support and gain the tools you need to find work.


Being unemployed can be hard to deal with on your own, but being part of one of the 156 CAP Job Clubs means you face the challenge with other people in similar situations.


‘CAP Job Clubs are brilliant – there’s something for everybody who is out of work. I got a job within the first month – it’s absolutely fantastic.’ Stuart – Job Club member

What will the CAP Job Club involve?


The CAP Job Club meets weekly on most Wednesday mornings at 10.00am in the Open Grounds Café or Hall. You’ll follow an eight-week course that will give you all the tools you need to find work, from writing a CV that employers won’t be able to resist, to brushing up on those all important interview skills.

You will join a group of people facing similar experiences to you and learn together and from each other. Each member also has a designated job coach who will provide one to one support.

How much does it cost?


Absolutely nothing – our Job Club is completely free (including drinks and a light lunch).

Do I have to be a Christian?


Not at all – our services are for everyone. As Christians, we believe that God answers prayer, so we may offer to pray with you, but it’s up to you if you’re happy for us to do this or not. CAP is a charity that is passionate about helping people from all ages, backgrounds, ethnicities and faiths.

Who can I talk to about the Job Club?


Nick Walden (Job Club Manager) – nickwalden@capjobclubs.org

Jo Overington (Job Coach) – jooverington@capjobclubs.org

Graham Ball (Job Coach) – grahamball@capjobclubs.org

Bethan Douglas (Job Coach) – bethandouglas@capjobclubs.org