He says “Be still and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in all the earth.”
The Chapel was built for people who desire to seek the Lord and draw closer to Him. It has a rhythm of prayer, which includes worship, praying the Scriptures and intercession. We gather regularly to gain God’s perspective on our lives, our Church and our world.
It is open throughout the week. All are welcome to use it for individual reflection and prayer, or join us when we gather together.
Contact the Church Office to find out more about any of the Chapel sessions.
The sessions marked with an *asterisk take place on Zoom
Morning Prayer
These sessions make time for worship, praying the Scriptures and intercession. Feel free to drop in at any time.
*Saturdays | 8.00–9.00am. |
*Midday Prayer
‘Be still and know that I am God’ (Psalm 46:10).
We gather to pray the Celtic Daily Prayer from the Northumbria Community each weekday from 12.00-12.15pm – all are welcome to join.
In the Chapel on Fridays.
Monthly Gatherings
Workplace Prayer
Third Sunday of Every Month, after the Evening Service (8.00-9.00pm), during term-time.
It is easy to feel that what we do in Church is holy and matters to God, while what we do outside isn’t and doesn’t. From the beginning, God wanted us to be intimately involved in working with Him. As the workplace is where most of us spend the majority of our time, it matters to God.
Workplace Prayer is a unique opportunity to share the pressures and joys of your working environment and provides a safe place to receive a blend of prayer, encouragement, mentoring and friendship.
Healing Hour
Last Tuesday or Sunday of the Month, 8.00–9.00pm.
“Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
We aim to create room for God’s healing presence to bring life and wholeness to those suffering with either physical or mental pain.
It’s a time to come and soak in the presence of Jesus, with gentle background music—often a harp. People are available to pray with you if you wish. Words and pictures are also available to take away if you want them. This is not a time for lengthy prayer ministry (which can be arranged for another time), this is simply an opportunity to bring the healing of Jesus to your body, soul and spirit.
We would love you to come and join us!
Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Second Tuesday of Every Other Month (January, March, May, July, September and November), 8.00–9.30pm.
Step into the shoes of Christians facing persecution because of their faith. Come to be informed and to pray.
Sound Pictures
Second Sunday of the Month, after the morning or evening service (varies).
An opportunity to have your portrait painted in sound. We use music to make space for contemplation, meditation, prayer and worship.
Chapel Installations
The two oak pieces were conceived, designed and hand-crafted by Stephen Owen, former Designer in Residence and Woodwork Teacher at Cranleigh School, now working as an artist in Wales. Stephen’s lectern and communion table won the Art and Christianity Award in 2019 for ‘Art in a Religious Context’.
The Lectern
Carved in the shape of a cross, the lectern has a large nail driven at an oblique angle through its base, a sharp reminder of the pain Jesus bore. As Stephen said, “We can become so familiar with the cross that we forget it was a tool for execution. There was nothing pretty about it.” This nail forms the balancing fulcrum that supports the whole lectern. At the base of the cross, you’ll see gaps to fit written prayers and laments into, making it a prayer station as well as a lectern. As your eye moves up the wood, you notice a gradual change in texture from rough to smooth. Stephen spoke of the way that God is still working on us, transforming us from one degree of glory to another.
The Communion Table
If the lectern speaks of Christ’s death, the table speaks of His resurrection. It has a gaping hole, off-centre, in its base, as though you are looking into the empty tomb. This acts as a visual reminder of those words in the Gospel, “He is not here – He is risen!” (Matthew 28:6). The wood around the hole has been deliberately allowed to split and crack, for the tomb could not hold Jesus for long. It acts as a symbol of vital hope, to which we return each time we take Communion.